February 23, 2022
Jared Salzmann
February 23, 2022
Jared Salzmann
#EngineerWeek: Our HAPS Payload Integration Engineer, Jared Salzmann, is currently leading a project to design and build a Zephyr nose pod and integrate a new payload in record time,
“Nothing is easy about flying in the stratosphere for weeks at a time, but it is very rewarding when it all comes together and I get to see our work gracefully fly off into the sunrise.”
Jared became an engineer because he enjoys finding clever solutions to challenging problems,
“Solving engineering problems involves putting all the right pieces in the right place, like a puzzle. My grandma loves puzzles. Maybe I get my passion from her?”
He also enjoys working with a small team of intelligent engineers to develop new systems that meet the challenging technical requirements of the Zephyr HAPS aircraft.