UH-72 Logistics Connector

Marines take the fight to the enemy. The UH-72 Logistics Connector takes what the Marines need to the fight. Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations require proven, reliable logistics support. The Airbus UH-72 Logistics Connector is the low risk, affordable solution for the contested logistics problem.

  • Proven – Based on the H145/UH-72 platform, the predominant light twin helicopter in the world, serving commercial, parapublic, and military customers worldwide.
  • Performance – Can carry key cargo such as standard containers and ordnance at long range and high speed.
  • Maintainable and sustainable – Demonstrated high operational readiness in demanding conditions. Established worldwide supply base.
  • Flexible with growth potential – MOSA, digital backbone, and available SWAP for mission expansion. Open autonomy incorporates "best of breed."
  • Available now: Active U.S. production line.

Height (ft) 13.04
Length (ft) 44.42
Cruise Speed (kts) 135
MTOW (lbs) 8,378
Operating Altitude (ft) Up to 20,000
Range (nm) 350+
Cargo JMICs, NSM containers
Power Ratings (shp)
TOP - 894
MCP - 771
OEI MCP - 951
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