Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc. is proud to support AAAA in driving transformational change. At Airbus U.S. we have created an environment that fosters innovation and leads to positive mission outcomes. Our customers can rely on us for project delivery, mission performance, and customer confidence. We provide solutions requiring the highest security clearances and never forget that our work will impact the future of the nation, protect those who serve, and enable us to stay ahead of our adversaries.
April 3-5, 2022AAAA Summit 2022Nashville, TNBooth #542

UH-72B Lakota
The UH-72B is based on the widely successful H145, which incorporates various product improvements that have been developed during the lifecycle of the commercial aircraft. The efficient Fenestron tail rotor, more powerful engines, enhanced controls and the Airbus Helionix avionics suite, to name a few, will provide added benefits for mission safety and flight performance. With more than nine configurations available, the Lakota delivers proven performance, outstanding operational reliability, and unmatched versatility for a broad spectrum of military missions. All Lakota variants are built at the company’s production facility in Columbus, Mississippi, which employs a workforce that is made up of 40% veterans.

The first stratospheric UAS of its kind, Zephyr provides a persistent and adaptable solution, unlike other unmanned aircraft. Zephyr is the most proven prototype for multiple-month-long persistent C4ISR capability from the stratosphere. It has proven performance, holding the world record for 25+ days of flight in the stratosphere while flying at 70,000 ft above weather and conventional air traffic. It is the only HAPS to have demonstrated day/night longevity in the stratosphere.

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