Leading by Example

At Airbus U.S., ethical business conduct is not just a part of what we do, it's at the very core of how we operate.

Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc. ("Airbus U.S.") is a Delaware company operating under a Special Security Agreement (SSA) with the Department of Defense, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. The Airbus U.S. Board of Directors, as mandated by our SSA, maintains full control over the operations of the business. Airbus U.S. is committed to acting with integrity while delivering on its commitments, enabling our customers to achieve mission success, supporting our people and our communities. Our Ethics & Compliance program, which is aligned with the Airbus Ethics & Compliance Program, seeks to continuously strengthen our culture of uncompromising integrity by ensuring the company's business practices follow the Airbus U.S. values, the Airbus Code of Conduct, policies and procedures while conforming to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical business principles.

Robert Geckle

At Airbus U.S. we provide trusted capabilities for our nation’s toughest challenges. We are passionate about serving our customer, the U.S. Government. The quality of our products is the foundation upon which our success and strong reputation has been built around the world and here in the U.S. While it takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, it only takes one bad decision to undermine the trust we have established with our customers. Our core values – trust, reliability, creativity, family, and integrity – reflect our commitment to conducting business ethically, for the good of our company, our people, our customers, and our shareholders.
--Rob Geckle, President & CEO, Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc.

Our Values


  • We invest time in building relationships with global Airbus colleagues so that there is a foundation of trust, we can demonstrate the value we bring, and information is shared.
  • We create an environment where our U.S. Government Customer can fully trust our independence and we can best protect sensitive information.
  • We build trust amongst ourselves, setting clear expectations and measuring effectiveness.
  • We recognize the privilege we have been granted to operate as an SSA.


  • We encourage collaboration and cross-functional work.
  • We are patient and we listen to each other’s ideas.


  • We focus on performing on Quality, on Time, on Cost. Through this behavior, we will meet our commitments to the customer and shareholders.
  • We solve problems and make our stakeholder relationships a priority.


  • We are a group of individuals, bonded by our personal beliefs and the knowledge that we can’t do it alone – teamwork is essential.
  • We help each other however we can.


  • We are driven by ethics and are honest with our customers and ourselves.
  • We consciously do what we say, and what we believe is right, even when no one is looking.

Program and Risk

Our Program

To meet Airbus U.S.’s commitments, our Ethics & Compliance Program is dedicated to leading by the Airbus U.S. Code of Conduct. The topics covered in the Code of Conduct are supported by accompanying polices, training to all applicable personnel, and an E&C team to support the business and functions.

Airbus U.S. conducts business with integrity—for the good of our company, our people, our customers, and our shareholders.

Speak Up

Airbus U.S. maintains a Speak Up culture by promoting an open and trusting dialogue where employees, customers, and suppliers are comfortable expressing their views, raising issues and concerns. We believe this leads to improved performance and inspires greater innovation. Reports can be made securely and confidentially or anonymously through the Airbus U.S. OpenLine.

Conflicts of Interest

We do not allow personal interests to interfere, or appear to interfere, with our ability to make fair and objective decisions when performing our jobs in the best interest of Airbus.

Airbus has implemented a policy requiring employees facing a situation that represents or may represent a conflict of interest with regards to their activities with or within Airbus should proactively declare it to the Ethics and Compliance team. Examples include, among others, having a financial interest or directorship in a third-party, outside employment or a side business, or having a relative who is a public official with decision-making power that could affect Airbus.

Failing to declare and properly manage a conflict of interest situation may have negative consequences for individuals and for Airbus.

Third Parties

The nature of our work requires us to interact frequently with third parties. These third parties include customers, suppliers, distributors, resellers, lobbyists, special advisors, sales intermediaries, contractors, and any other person or entity that is not an Airbus U.S. or other Airbus Affiliate employee or company. To ensure that we only work with reputable third parties who, like us, have zero tolerance for corruption and influence peddling, we perform robust, risk based, due diligence prior to engaging a third party. The due diligence is updated periodically on a risk basis and in case of significant changes in the relationship or activity. In addition, we monitor our third parties throughout the life of the business relationship to ensure they operate to the highest standards of quality and integrity.

Anti-Money Laundering

Airbus U.S. is committed to fully complying with all applicable anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing laws and will only accept funds received from legitimate sources. In addition, Airbus U.S. only conducts business with reputable customers involved in legitimate business activities. Airbus U.S. also rejects doing business in a way that assists or facilitates tax evasion by our suppliers, customers, or other third parties.

Export Compliance

Each of the countries in which Airbus does business has controls on the export and transfer of its goods and technologies that are considered to be important to national security and foreign policies. As a global enterprise, it is Airbus’ responsibility to respect and comply with each of these controls. Our export compliance policies defines our policies and processes to ensure compliance with all relevant export control laws and regulations.

Procurement Compliance

Our suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which operations are managed or services provided. In addition, wherever suppliers are located, all business should be conducted in a manner compatible with the Airbus Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers are also expected to cascade these principles through their own supply chain.

Gifts and Hospitality

Gifts or hospitality shall not be extended to influence a business decision or gain an undue competitive advantage. The giving and receiving of any gift or hospitality are regulated by our internal policy and are subject to reporting and pre-approval depending on their value. Before offering or accepting any gift or hospitality, we must ensure that:

  • It is lawful.
  • The value is reasonable.
  • It is allowed under Airbus internal policies and standards.

Extra caution must be taken when interacting with U.S. government officials and be in compliance with the U.S. guidelines.

Sponsorship, Membership, and Donations

Under the Airbus policy sponsorships, donations and corporate memberships must be reviewed and approved prior to engagement. The policy also applies to political contributions. All sponsorships, donations and corporate memberships entered must:

  • Have a legitimate purpose, consistent with our strategy, priorities and values.
  • Comply with all applicable laws.
  • Be made to reputable organizations or beneficiaries.
  • Be properly recorded.